Welcome to my personal website.
My name is Shengchen Liu. I am a PhD majoring in Mechanical Engineering and also a MS majoring in Computer Science. I am currently a research assistant from Northeastern University working at Micro/Nano Bio-Mechanical Characterization Lab. I am excited to work with Prof.Kai-tak Wan on Palpation Mechanics and Robotics.
1. Palpation Mechanics: Simulate the process of mechanical palpation to detect hard incluisions inside transparent phantoms.
2. Robotics arm development: Built 3D printed 6-axis robotic arms to simulate the palpation process to detect breast cancer.
Development on Robotics MobilityPlatform:
1. NVIDIA Isaac Sim: Utilized Unity and Unreal Engine to build simulation for robot development. The robot achieved collision-free navigation in a warehouse environment around 60 square meter.
2. Lidar Image Processing: Implemented PointPillar, a LIDAR encoding deep learning network using PyTorch for point cloud segementation.