4.1 Basics of Lie Group and Lie Algebra

4.1.1 Group

A group is an algebraic structure of one set plus one operator. Properties:

  • Closure

  • Combination

  • Unite Element

  • Inverse Element

4.1.2 Introduction of the Lie Algebra

Consider an arbitrary rotation matrix

It satisfies: Deriving time on both sides yields: Move the second term to the right and commute the matrices by using the transposed relation: It can be seen that is a skew-symmetric matrix, which turns a vector into a skew-symmetric matrix: Since is a skew-symmetric matrix, we can find a 3-D vector : Right multiply with on both sides, since is an orthogonal matrix, we have: Time derivative of a rotation matrix is just by multiply a matrix on the left. Consider , we use the first-order Taylor expansion around to write as: We see that reflects the derivative of , so it is called the tangent space near the origin of

Solve for the above differential equation for , and with the initial value , we have:

4.1.3 The definition of Lie Algebra

Each Lie group has a Lie algebra corresponding to it.

Definition of Lie Algebra:

A Lie algebra consists of a set , a scalar field , and a binary operation . If they satisfy the following properties, then is a Lie algebra, denoted as .

  • Closure (封闭性):

  • Bilinear Composition (双线性) :

  • Reflexive (自反省): (Reflexive means that an element operates with itself results in zero)

  • Jacobi Identity (雅克比等价性)

The binary operations $ are called Lie brackets

4.1.4 Lie Algebra

The Lie algebra corresponding to is a vector defined on , which we will denote as . Lie bracket: Since the vector is one-to-one with the skew-symmetric matrix, we say the elements of are three-dimensional vectors or three-dimensional skew-symmetric matrices, without any ambiguity: are just a set of 3D vectors that can express the derivative of the rotation matrix. Its relationship to $\mathrm{SO}(3)$ is given by the exponential map:

4.1.5 Lie Algebra

Similar to , is located in the space: The first three dimensions are 'translation part' which is denoted as ; the second part is a rotation part , which is essentially a element

as a 'vector consisting of a translation plus a element'

Lie bracket:

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